Plataforma para el control de gestiones de campo de Kobra
Una plataforma de control potente y muy fácil de usar que te permitirá tener el control de los gestores que necesitan estar en campo haciendo visitas a domicilio.
Empodera a tus personas en campo
Tus personas en campo cuentan con una app móvil con todas las herramientas para capturar información de valor por medio de cuestionarios inteligentes.
Una app que funciona offline
Tus gestores en campo podrán operar aún sin conexión a internet, gracias al potente algoritmo de geolocalización por GPS.
Resultados en tiempo real
En cuanto tu personal en campo finalicen la visita, recibirás una notificación en tu correo y podrás ver toda la información de la visita..
Geolocalización segura
Los gestores solo pueden hacer la visita si están en el domicilio correcto gracias al verificador de geolocalización inteligente de Kobra.
Ten el control de tu personal
Sabrás en todo momento por donde se ha trasladado el personal, visualizándolo en un mapa con su ubicación exacta, nivel de batería y más características.
Business Intelligence
Crea informes personalizados para obtener data de cuando son los horarios con mayor contacto, toma decisiones y comparte la información.
¿Por qué Kobra?
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Casos de éxito

Data use and collection

Responsibility for the Treatment of Personal Data: 

The entity responsible for the handling of your personal data will be “The Financial Agency” through its customer service department located in the following address

“The Financial Agency” Address

For effects mentioned in this privacy notice, “The Financial Agency” indicates its address as being located at Ignacio Ramírez number 900, Colonia Jorge Almada, Postal Code 80200 Culiacán, Sinaloa.

Personal Data That Can Be Collected:

“The Financial Agency” will collect necessary personal information in order to tend to or formalize any type of product or service that you solicit or require; in a nominal way, but not limited to, “The Financial Agency” can collect your name; address; date of birth; country of origin; nationality; occupation; profession; activity or line of business to which you dedicate to; fixed or cell phone numbers; emails; Population Registry Number; Contributor Number for Federal Registry, as well as, the serial number for your Electronic Signature.

It is worth mentioning that “The Financial Agency” as a financial entity under the inspection of the National Banking Commission, should additionally collect all necessary data from you regarding the compliance of all legal dispositions applicable in matters of prevention and detection of acts, omissions or operations that could favor, aid, or collaborate in any way towards the charge of felonies provided by articles 139 or 148 of the Federal Penal Code or tha could be located in the circumstances of article 400 Bis of the same Code. 

Additionally, regarding credit products, “The Financial Agency” is obligated to require additional data that can help estimate the viability of payment, making use for it of an analysis based on quantitative and qualitative information that allows establishing credit standing and capacity of payment, including the consultation or report of said information to Credit Information Societies or third parties with whom you maintain or manifest commercial or business relationships. 

Objectives Of The Treatment Of Your Personal Information:

Personal information that “The Financial Agency” collects will be used for the operation and registration of the goods or services that you would have hired or expect to hire.

Additionally, “The Financial Agency” can use your personal information to offer, if applicable, other financial products that “The Financial Agency” or from any of its affiliate members, commission agents or related companies and send promotions of other goods and services related to the financial products aforementioned, objectives that are not indispensable to the fulfilment of the legal relationship that gave origin to the contracted goods and services.

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