This Webhooks works for give you data about the visit realized by a kobra agent in real time this information can change base in the product type.
We will send in the headers the token that you provide us and you must validate it with the name of «api-key»
Product ID | Description |
1 | DebtCollection |
2 | Addres validation |
3 | Bussiness validation |
Finish Visit
Get the information about a finished visit.
Data description
Propierty name | Data type | Max length | Description |
visitId | int | ID that describe the visit type | |
productID | int | Product identifier according to the product table | |
agentID | int | ID that you provide so that you can easily identify your agent, this ID may be the one that is handled internally in your systems | |
externalID | int | ID that you provide so that you can easily identify your account, this ID may be the one that is handled internally in your systems name | |
visitType | string | Name of the product or type of visit in question | |
lat | string | Latitude coordinates based in google map API | |
Ing | string | Longitude coordinates based in google map API | |
interest | number | Number representing interest on the account | |
rebound | string | Indicates that the agent moved the geolocation of the original address. | |
tagName | string | Label selected by the agent when classifying the result of the visit | |
finished | boolean | Indicates if the visit is already finished | |
cancelled | boolean | Indicates if the visit is already cancelled | |
cancellationReason | string | Reason why the visit was canceled | |
client | string | Name of the client to whom the visit was made | |
agent | string | Name of the agent who made the visit | |
startDate | date | Date the visit started | |
endDate | date | Date the visit ended | |
comment | string | Comments the agent wrote during the visit | |
timeZone | string | Time zone of the place where the visit was made | |
checklist | object | Questions and answers that were asked to the client | |
phones | object | Phones collected during the visit | |
emails | object | Emails collected during the visit |
Output example
{ "visitID":"9A1190V5974", "productID":1, "agentID":21559, "externalID":"110105499609", "visitType":"Cobranza", "lat":"37.421998", "lng":"-122.084", "interest":5, "rebound":false, "tagName":"Cliente ya pagó", "finished":true, "cancelled":false, "cancellationReason":null, "client":"Q ROSALBA SALGADO TORRES", "agent":"HERMES HECTOR ARREDONDO LUGO", "startDate":"2020-03-17 13:56:49", "endDate":"2020-03-17 13:58:29", "comment":"asdasda I have to go to the store and get some rest", "timeZone":"America\/Los_Angeles", "checklist":[ { "questionID":11, "questionName":"¿Se realizó contacto?", "order":1, "answers":[ { "answerID":11, "answerTypeID":8, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":"false" } ]}, {"questionID":12, "questionName":"¿Con quién se tuvo contacto?", "order":2, "answers":[ { "answerID":null, "answerTypeID":9, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":null } ]}, { "questionID":13, "questionName":"Nombre de la persona", "order":3, "answers":[ { "answerID":null, "answerTypeID":1, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":null } ] }, { "questionID":14, "questionName":"¿Se logró promesa de pago?", "order":4, "answers":[ { "answerID":14, "answerTypeID":8, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":"false" } ] }, { "questionID":15, "questionName":"Método de pago", "order":5, "answers":[ {"answerID":null, "answerTypeID":9, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":null } ] }, { "questionID":16, "questionName":"Monto", "order":6, "answers":[ { "answerID":null, "answerTypeID":4, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":null } ] }, { "questionID":17, "questionName":"Fecha", "order":7, "answers":[ { "answerID":null, "answerTypeID":5, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":null } ] }, { "questionID":18, "questionName":"Volver a visitar", "order":8, "answers":[ { "answerID":18, "answerTypeID":8, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":"false" } ] }, { "questionID":19, "questionName":"Fecha para volver a visitar", "order":9, "answers":[ {"answerID":null, "answerTypeID":5, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":null } ] }, { "questionID":20, "questionName":"Primer horario", "order":10, "answers":[ { "answerID":null, "answerTypeID":10, "answerName":"Hora inicio", "order":1, "value":null }, { "answerID":null, "answerTypeID":10, "answerName":"Hora fin", "order":2, "value":null } ] }, { "questionID":21, "questionName":"Segundo horario", "order":11, "answers":[ { "answerID":null, "answerTypeID":10, "answerName":"Hora inicio", "order":1, "value":null }, { "answerID":null, "answerTypeID":10, "answerName":"Hora fin", "order":2, "value":null } ] }, { "questionID":22, "questionName":"Etiqueta", "order":12, "answers":[ { "answerID":24, "answerTypeID":9, "answerName":null, "order":1, "value":"Cliente ya pagó" } ] } ], "phones":[], "emails":[] }
The answerTypeID field displays the following field types:
1 «text»
2 «text-area»
3 «numeric»
4 «decimal»
5 «datepicker»
6 «checkbox»
7 «radio»
8 «switch»
9 «combo»
10 «time»