This API is for upload new accounts in Kobra platform that been aviable to visit by Kobra agents. With this API you can import accounts into Kobra via web services instead file upload. This is faster and more secure.
(POST) /import
Upload or update accounts and payment promises
Upload new accounts to the Kobra platform. If one of the accounts that has been sent already exists in Kobra, your information will be updated.
New domain for this API
The Import Kobra API service works at the domain:
Note: The parameters marked with yellow color are required. The rest of parameter are optionals and can be or not sent into the request.
Documentation for accounts
Property Name | Data Type | Max Length | Description | Required |
importTypeID | integer | Possible values for this field: 1.-New accounts 2.-Update accounts balances 3.-Update personal information | ||
externalID | string | 20 chars | D that you provide so that you can easily identify your account, this ID may be the one that is handled internally in your systems. | |
kobraID | integer | ID that we have assigned some Kobra (Manager) within our system, this field allows you to indicate which Kobra will be assigned this account through the import. | ||
branchID | integer | ID that we have assigned to a branch / group you can check how to get the branch ID here. | ||
productID | integer | ID of the required product 1.-Debt Collection 2.-Address Validation 3.-Bussiness Validation | ||
currencyCode | string | 2 chars | Current currency MX = Pesos US = Dollars | |
name | string | 100 chars | Accredited name | |
firstSurname | string | 50 chars | Accredited first surname | |
secondSurname | string | 50 chars | Accredited second surname | |
additionalSurname | string | 50 chars | Accredited additional surname | |
string | 100 chars | Accredited email | ||
birthdate | date | 10 chars Format: yyyy-mm-dd | Accredited birthdate | |
rfc | string | 14 chars | RFC | |
curp | string | 18 chars | CURP | |
nationality | string | 2 chars | It must contain the code of the Nationality of the consumer The possible values are the following: MX = Mexico US = United States | |
residenceTypeID | integer | Possible values for this field: 1.-Owner 2.-Rent 3.-Live with family members 4.-Mortgage Housing | ||
civilStatus | string | 1 char | Possible values for this field:D = Divorced L = Free Union C = Married S = Single | |
gender | string | 1 char | Possible values for this field: F = Female M = Male | |
ife | string | 20 chars | Code of the Elector credential INE / IFE | |
dependants | integer | Number of economic dependents | ||
street | string | 200 chars | Address street of the accredited | |
crossStreets | string | 255 chars | The streets closest to the location that intersects the locations’s street. | |
outdoorNumber | string | 50 chars | Outdoor number | |
indoorNumber | string | 50 chars | Indoor number | |
suburb | string | 50 chars | Suburb | |
city | string | 50 chars | City | |
state | string | 50 chars | State | |
postalCode | string | 6 chars | Postal code | |
lat | string | 20 chars | Latitude of the location of the person’s address. | |
lng | string | 20 chars | Length of the domicile of the person | |
addressDate | date | 10 chars | Date from which the person started living there. The date have to following the next format: YYYY-MM-DD | |
phoneNumber | string | 12 chars | Landline (home, work) to which the person can be contacted | |
cellphoneNumber | string | 12 chars | Personal mobile phone of the person | |
addressTypeID | string | 1 char | Possible values for this field:N.- Business O.- Domicile of the grantor C.- House P.- Postal Section E.- Employment | |
initialCapital | number | Initial capital | ||
pendingCapital | number | Pending capital | ||
pendingOrdinaryInterests | number | Pending ordinary interests | ||
pendingOverdueInterest | number | Pending overdue interest | ||
iva | number | IVA | ||
totalPending | number | Total pending | ||
paidCapital | number | Paid capital | ||
paidOrdinaryInterest | number | Paid ordinary interest | ||
paidOverdueInterest | number | Paid overdue interest | ||
totalPaid | number | Total paid | ||
pendingPayments | integer | Number of pending payments | ||
paymentsDone | integer | Number of payments done | ||
amountPaymentPeriodicity | number | Average amount of payments you have made. | ||
lastPaymentDate | date | 10 chars | Date of last payment. The date have to following the next format: YYYY-MM-DD | |
overdueDays | integer | Number of days of debt | ||
lastPaymentAmount | number | Amount of the last payment made by the person. | ||
loanDate | date | 10 chars | Date on which the loan was granted. The date have to following the next format: YYYY-MM-DD | |
paymentInformationBankName | string | 20 chars | Name of the bank to which the payment will be made | |
paymentInformationAcountHolder | string | 200 chars | Name of the account holder to whom the payment will be requested. | |
paymentInformationAccountReference | string | 200 chars | Reference (if applicable) to make the payment | |
paymentInformationAccountNumber | string | 20 chars | Bank account number | |
paymentInformationAccountCLABE | string | 20 chars | CLABE | |
requiredPayment | ||||
requiredPaymentMaxDate | number | Minimum payment required | ||
internalAgentsNetwork | boolean | Indicates if the account will be visible only for your internal agents network when is true. When is false indicates that the account will be visible only for Kobra’s agents. | ||
inactive | boolean | If you want to inactive the account, set this value on true. | ||
lenderIDcdc | string | 10 chars | ID assigned by «Círculo de Crédito» to the lender. | |
contractType | string | 2 chars | Product assigned to the client. | |
accountType | string | 1 chars | Type of account that the lender gave to the client. | |
productoType | string | 1 chars | Type of product that the lender gave to the client. | |
periodicity | string | 1 chars | It is the periodicity to make the payments by the client. | |
overduePeriods | integer | Number of payments that the client has not made. |
Example request
(POST) { "importTypeID": 1, "accounts": [ { "externalID": "106", "kobraID": 4563, "branchID": 1, "productID": 1, "currencyCode": "MX", "name": "Antonio", "firstSurname": "mac", "secondSurname": "test", "additionalSurname": "", "email": "[email protected]", "birthdate": "1991-01-01", "rfc": "CUPU800825569", "curp": "BADD110313HCMLNS09", "nationality": "MX", "residenceTypeID": 1, "civilStatus": 1, "gender": "M", "ife": "PEGZAD75121204M00G", "dependants": 6, "street": "some street", "outdoorNumber": "242", "indoorNumber": "424", "suburb": "some suburb", "city": "some city", "state": "some state", "postalCode": "89503", "lat": "20.12", "lng": "12.20", "addressDate": "1992-04-09", "phoneNumber": "6677889900", "cellphoneNumber": "6655443322", "addressTypeID": "O", "initialCapital": 1000, "pendingCapital": 10000, "pendingOrdinaryInterests": 12, "pendingOverdueInterest": 24, "iva": 16, "totalPending": 2000, "paidCapital": 500, "paidOrdinaryInterest": 4, "paidOverdueInterest": 8, "totalPaid": 600, "pendingPayments": 5, "paymentsDone": 3, "amountPaymentPeriodicity": 3000, "lastPaymentDate": "2017-08-06", "overdueDays": 5, "lastPaymentAmount": 3000, "loanDate": "2017-01-01", "requiredPayment": 2000, "requiredPaymentMaxDate": "2018-08-08", "paymentInformationBankName": "some bank", "paymentInformationAcountHolder": "some account holder", "paymentInformationAccountReference": "some account reference", "paymentInformationAccountNumber": "some account number", "paymentInformationAccountCLABE": "some account CLABE", "internalAgentsNetwork": false "inactive": true "lenderIDcdc": "000316" "contractType": "OT" "accountType": "L" "productoType": "F" "periodicity": "M" "overduePeriods": 3 }] }
Documentation for payment promises
Property Name | Data Type | Max Length | Description | Required |
visitlID | integer | ID that Kobra provides you to easily identify your visits, you can find it at «». | ||
paymentPromiseStatus | integer | Possible values for this field: 2 = Active 3 = Cover 4 = Uncover 5 = Partial pay |
Example request
(POST) [ { "visitID": 1045637, "paymentPromiseStatus": 3 }]
{ "data": null "error": { "type": <string>, "message": <string> } }