This APIs are for get information about all visits registered in the Kobra platform for your lender.
(GET) /visits
All visits
Gets the list of all visits that are registered into the Kobra Platform by Kobra Agents.
New domain for this API
This API service works at the domain:
Input parameters
Indicates the identifier of the agent.
Indicates the date when the visit was cretated.
Indicates the date when the visit was cretated.
Query params
The input parameter have to be sent via query parameter into the API’s URL. Example: ?agentID=4627&fromDate=2018-01-01&toDate=2018-01-15
[ { "visitID": <integer>, "productID": <integer>, "agentID": <integer>, "externalID": <string>, "visitType": <string>, "lat": <float>, "lng": <float>, "interest": <boolean>, "rebound": <boolean>, "tagName": <string>, "client": <string>, "agent": <string>, "startDate": <date>, "endDate": <date>, "comment": <string>, "timeZone": <string> } ]
Kobra API response
All Kobra APIs responses are identical in their structured. The output comes into ‘data’ attribute of the response object. Visit the Kobra API documentation to know more about this responses.